15 Contoh Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Teman dan Keluarga
Berdasarkan isi dan fungsinya, surat dapat dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam, salah satunya surat pribadi. Surat pribadi adalah surat yang ditulis atas nama pribadi.
Mengutip buku Mahir Menulis Surat Resmi dan Surat Pribadi untuk SMP/MTS oleh Nadya Safira, dkk., surat pribadi lebih banyak ditujukan kepada sahabat atau kerabat terdekat. Isi suratnya menyangkut urusan pribadi dan pembahasan yang lebih personal.
Misalnya, menanyakan kabar orangtua, menceritakan kegiatan sehari-hari kepada sahabat yang tinggal berjauhan, atau mengungkapkan perasaan rindu kepada kekasih yang terpisah oleh jarak.
Surat pribadi juga bisa bersifat resmi. Biasanya, jenis surat pribadi seperti ini berisi permohonan atau permintaan tertentu. Sebagai contoh, surat lamaran kerja, surat pernyataan, surat kuasa, surat permohonan cuti, surat pemberitahuan kepada guru, dan sebagainya.
Karena isinya bersifat privat, cara penulisan surat pribadi tidak terikat pada aturan tertentu. Bahasa yang digunakan pun fleksibel, boleh santai maupun resmi, tergantung siapa penerimanya dan apa tujuan surat itu ditulis.
Selain dari bahasanya, surat pribadi juga dapat dikenali dengan ciri-ciri berikut:
Tidak memakai nomor.
Surat pribadi keluarga tidak memakai lampiran dan perihal, sedangkan surat pribadi yang bersifat resmi menyertakan perihal dan lampiran.
Tidak memakai kepala atau kop surat.
Surat pribadi yang sifatnya lebih santai tidak ada tembusan, sedangkan surat pribadi resmi bisa memakai tembusan.
Surat pribadi dapat ditulis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris, yang penting isinya tersampaikan dengan baik dan dapat dipahami oleh penerima surat.
Bagi yang ingin mengirim surat tetapi kesulitan merangkai kata-kata, 20 contoh surat pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikutip dari situs English Luv, Later in English, dan Net Explanations berikut ini bisa jadi referensi.
Contoh Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. Surat Pribadi Bahasa Inggris untuk Mengucapkan Ulang Tahun
Jl. Mawar 16
My beloved mother,
Hello mom how are you? I hope you and dad are good in health at home. I am also good at the hostel.
Wishing you a very happy birthday mom. On this your special day I would like to dedicate a letter to you mom. Mom, you have always been my strength and inspiration. would like to thank you for everything mom. I would not have been successful in my life without you mom. You always stay with me in every condition. You always pray for me and those have always protected me. I know these words cannot describe how much I love you.
I wish you a very happiest birthday once again. I am feeling very sad that on your special day I am not thereto celebrate your birthday but mom you will always stay in my heart. I hope your birthday is filled with lots of happiness and joy. Enjoy your special day mom. On your special day, I am thinking to God because they gave me a mom like you ,loving mell miss you so much, mom.
Your loving daughter
2. Surat Pribadi Bahasa Inggris untuk Memohon Maaf
Heri Susanto
Jl. Nuri No. 24
Dear papa,
Hello, Papa how are you? I hope you are fine now? How is your health condition now? ! miss you so much, daddy. I am good here in the hostel.
Here, am writing this letter to inform you that I will not be able to be there for in your covid pandemic condition because of my exams. Please you take care of your health on time, take tablets properly on time as the doctor said. When my exams will end, I will come there to meet you, papa. You don’t take tension early and I know you will be fine. Keep your distance from mom and brother all of you take care.
I am also taking care of my health here so you don’t take tension of me. You just recover faster. I miss you all so much, meet you soon.
Your loving daughter,
3. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Kakek dan Nenek
Dear grandparents,
Hello! Grandpa. How are you both? Hope you both are happy and spending a memorable good time together. I hope your health is also in good condition because our village atmosphere is very clean and healthy.
I miss you both so much. I miss you the most my lovely grandfather. Now nobody is here to wake up me in the early morning for study. Here in hostel I am missing grandmother’s hand cooked food, you cook delicious food for me in summer vacation when I come there to the village with you. And this summer I will come there with my friends. We will all enjoy ourselves together.
Take care of you both I meet you soon. miss you both of you. love you.
Yours loving,
4. Surat Pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk Mengucapkan Selamat Kelulusan
Jl. Akri No. 56
Dear Nurul,
What great news! I’m really glad to know that you have passed the Final Examination with such a bright result. Your performance definitely deserves a lot of praise. So, please accept my heartiest congratulations on your grand success.
What are your plans for the future? Waiting for your reply.
With best wishes,
Yours truly,
5. Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun untuk Sahabat dalam Bahasa Inggris
My dear Sally,
Another year has passed and I am going to be fifteen on 25 January. All our near and dear ones are expected to join my birthday party. I wish to invite you to come and dine with us and join the celebration that evening. We will have a lot of fun together. My mother will be preparing Lucchi, Rasagolla and Sandesh and my sister will make special Singara.
So, please be present at the celebration. I don’t want to miss you on that special day.
Lots of love,
Your loving friend,
6. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Menerima Undangan Sahabat
My dear Arsy,
Lots of thanks for your invitation to the occasion of your 15th birthday celebration. am looking forward to your loving company on that occasion. I think that it will be a joyous gathering of all our friends. In my imagination, I have started tasting the delicious Rasagollas and Sandesh that Masima would prepare. I will see you on 25 January at 6 pm sharp.
I Hope, you are doing fine. With love,
Yours ever,
7. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Menolak Undangan Sahabat
My dear Arsy,
Thank you very much for your kind invitation. But I don’t think I’ll be able to accept it as I am busy with my preparations for the Annual Examination. Moreover, my uncle, aunt and my little cousin Trina will be visiting our place from Delhi on that day. I hope you realize my difficulty. Enjoy a wonderful birthday,Sincerely yours,
8. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Sahabat
Dear Jane,
It’s a great pleasure to recieve a letter from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long time, I was busy with preparation for exams.
You know, I can’t say that I have some definite duties but I try to help my parents as much as possible. As for me, I hate doing the dishes but unfortunately do it from time to time. However, I like to do my room, it makes me feel cheerful. I’m sure that we should help parents. They support us whatever we start doing and helping is the least we can do for them.
What a great news! I adore kittens they’re so cute. What is the name of your, have you already desided it? Is it a girl or a boy? Who presented you with such a wonderful gift?
Now I should go. Look forward to your answer.
9. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Bertukar Kabar
Hello Patrick,
I want to tell you about my best friend.
I have several friends at school. But the best among them is Anton, who is my class fellow.
He is of my age. But he is much taller than I in size. Anton has a very cheerful nature. I’ve known him for two years but have never seen him angry. His face is always smiling. Even if any boy abuses him, Anton never loses his temper.
At school he sits on the same bench with me. We are together for the greater part of the day. Together we learn and play together. Other boys envy our friendship. But we do not mind it.
Anton is very good at his lessons. He never neglects his studies. He never gives the teacher a chance to complaint. Mathematics is his weak subject. But Anton is doing his best to make up his weakness.
My friend is active and smart. He is good at both studies and games. Anton never tells a lie. He helps his parents in the house He loves hard work and honest labor.
All his qualities have attracted me. I cannot find a more ideal friend than Anton.
Best wishes,
10. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Teman yang Tinggal Berjauhan
Dear John,
It’s a great pleasure to receive a letter from you. Sorry I haven’t written for a long time, but I was busy with preparation for exams.
As for me, I must clean my room regulary and also help parents when they’re tired. If I need to cook something, I’d like to make scrambled eggs or some salad. You know, I do. I’m absolutely sure that every boy should be able to take care of himself, therefore he must be able to do housework.
That’s great! What place have you chosen? Is your teacher going to accompany you? Do you have all necessary things for a hike?
Well, I’d better go. I promised my sister to help with her homework.
Hope to hear from you soon.
11. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Sahabat Pena
Dear Alan,
Thanks a lot for your letter. Let me tell you something about myself. I am just fourteen years old. My favourite languages are English and Russian. My family is not very large. In the evenings i go out for a walk.
In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know the author of the book.
With love to you,
12. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Memberi Kabar pada Sahabat
Dear Nastya,
Hi! Many thanks for your letter which came yesterday. How are the things going on?
Did something new happen in your life?
I’ve fallen ill. I have a terrible headache and a sore throat. In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. But I can’t go for a walk.
My mother works in the garden. My dad watches TV. And I have to be in bed the whole day.
What are your plans for this summer?
Best wishes,
13. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Teman Laki-laki
Dear Benjamin,
Thanks for your letter. You know I live in a big family, so I have to share a room with a brother or stay with a sister in the evening when our parents have a chance to go to the theatre or any other place. I should say it’s very cool to have somebody you can take care of or share your interests. My brother Tom and me have the same hobby of collecting small chocolates. When we have more than thirty we make a kind of party and eat them all. We sometimes give one or two to my sister. She always looks forward to such occasions.
Now tell me about that sports club. How can you train there? What workings hours does it have? Can you have a personal tutor there?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes,
14. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Sahabat di Luar Kota
We are miles apart but our hearts are strongly connected. Such is our friendship that no distance can impact it. To my sweetest friend, who is always close to my heart even when far away? Warm wishes on this beautiful friendship day.
Thanks to technology I can still see you through video calls, send you messages and talk to you anytime I want. Though I miss you every day I love knowing you are just a call away. I hope you’re having a great friendship day!
Distance is not long when you are separated with miles, it is long when your hearts are away and parted. A good friendship day to my dearest friend, who is always close to my heart and is remembered every moment.
Sometimes distance is what you need to understand how important the person is in your life. Our bond of friendship has grown stronger with this long distance and I am so happy that this has brought us closer. Best wishes and have a great friendship day!
I am so happy that we have this distance between us because I no longer have to share my clothes with you, share my chocolates with you! Who am I kidding? I miss you! I hope you’re having a lovely friendship day.
Though this distance is between is vast, we are so well connected because you call me every day, you video chat with me every day, you make sure that you pester me even when you are miles away. I love it. Happy friendship day!
15. Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan
Dear Silvia,
Hope you find this letter in good health. First of all, I’d like to know how are you? I am great here, doing great in academics as well as in life.
I am writing this letter because I want to tell you something that recently happened. I spent a wonderful time in these holidays which I had gone after a long time. You already are aware, that I have a tight and strenuous schedule managing everything at the college. It becomes, even more, tiring with part-time jobs. But I decided to take a break from everything.
So we all went to Bali and the journey was covered with an airplane I would like to tell you, it was very beautiful and worth taking a shot. We all were with a bunch of other friends who are with me in the college. The beaches looked gorgeous and relieved all the stress from work.
We had some rides too, and they were interesting and adventurous. The overall cost, which we had to pay, was under a million rupiahs, so yes it was planned and well-executed trip. Somehow, if you want to go and visit Bali for a vacation it is pretty affordable and good.
We got accommodation easily, and the food over there was really good. I hope you’d come over here soon so that we can go out and spend some really good time together.
Waiting for your response,
Till then, take care,
Your bestfriend, Amel